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Project Name
2015-2016 fiscal year LGSP-2

                                      LGSP-2 PBG Skill Assessment 2014-2015 Allotted 2015-2016 fiscal year:

1. Ward No. 5 from HH Bibi road to Brahampur Mahiphada Kafil Road, HJB road up to Aziz Sardar's house.

                                                                                                  Allocated = 1,04,700 / - Ward Committee No. 5

LGSP-2 2015-2016 fiscal year 1st installment scheme list: Total allocation = 5,39,981 / -

serial number

                 Name of Scheme


Scheme implementer

Word Committee


Construction of the castle on the streets of Sarcottia Talotla Bazar in Ward No. 4

1,03,350 / -

Ward No. 4 Committee


Ward No. 7 of the ward of the house of Jamrul from Shamsul's house HB to the road.

1,30,000 / -

Ward Committee No. 7


Ward No. 8 of the road from Shakharipara Madrasa to the road of Abu Taher to HB to the road.

1,30,000 / -

8th Ward Committee

Ward 4,7,8
Project Type
5,39981/- Money

                                      LGSP-2 PBG Skill Assessment 2014-2015 Allotted 2015-2016 fiscal year:

1. Ward No. 5 from HH Bibi road to Brahampur Mahiphada Kafil Road, HJB road up to Aziz Sardar's house.

                                                                                                  Allocated = 1,04,700 / - Ward Committee No. 5

LGSP-2 2015-2016 fiscal year 1st installment scheme list: Total allocation = 5,39,981 / -

serial number

                 Name of Scheme


Scheme implementer

Word Committee


Construction of the castle on the streets of Sarcottia Talotla Bazar in Ward No. 4

1,03,350 / -

Ward No. 4 Committee


Ward No. 7 of the ward of the house of Jamrul from Shamsul's house HB to the road.

1,30,000 / -

Ward Committee No. 7


Ward No. 8 of the road from Shakharipara Madrasa to the road of Abu Taher to HB to the road.

1,30,000 / -

8th Ward Committee

Job description

Construction of a castle on the streets of Sarakutia Taatola Bazar of Ward No. 4 1,03,350 / - Ward No. 4 Ward no. 27 of the ward of Hudaudhar house from the house of Shamsul to the road HB to the house. Ward no. 1,30,000 / - Ward No. Ward no. 3 Ward, Road to HQ of Abu Taher from paved road to Shakharipara Madrasa. Ward Committee no. 130,000 / -
