1no Brahmapur Union Parishad has 1 Daphadar and 8 Village police Name List.
1. Md. Ariful Islam Dophadar 01791348948
2. Md. Shahin Alam Village police 01750995134
3. Shohag Ali Village police 01717361367
4. Mst. Popy Begum Village police 01315739600
5. Md. Rezaul Islam Village police 01751808862
6. Ratan Kumar Village police 01744411839
7. Md Yeadul Sardar Village police 01727885702
8. Md Jahedul Islam Village police 01751621973
9. Md. Nazir Uddin Village police 01734246641
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS