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Five Year Plans

Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh

No. 1 Brahmpur Union Parishad

Natore Sadar, Natore

Five years (five-year) period plan of Brahampur Union Parishad is planned.

According to the ward no

Ward no

Scheme sector

Name of the preferred scheme based on priority

First year


Second year


Third year


Fourth year


Fifth year




1. Ward no. 1 in the poor families of different villages, set free cylinder tube well.

1. Free-machine supply to farmers free of cost.

2. Supply of dust materials to various educational institutions.

3. Doing HBB road from Kamarpur Warda Border to Aziz Sardar's house.

1. Wing low bench supply in different educational institutions.

2. Kumbar road doing HBB.

1. Healthy toilet facilities free of charge

2. UDrane for the emptying of water in Pirgacha Bazar.

3. Palasitting near the road near Kamarpur Qashimuddin's house.

1. Ward no. 1 in the poor families of different villages, set free cylinder tube well.

2. Free-machine supply to farmers free of cost.


Rural Infrastructure Reform Program Kabikha / Kabita

Construction of road from Kamrpur Eidgah Field to Hejitipara.

Construction of road from the Sahari mosque to the house of the house.

Kachar road reform from Kapurpur Said Bhata to river ghat.

Road reform from Kamrpur Dubila to Yitkelpara.

Construction of raw roads


Rural Infrastructure Conservation Program TR

1. Botanical barriers to bamboo for the people of Komarpur switchgate.

2. Grants to different organizations

1. Ghatia Haati Madhyapara Mosque Development

2. Development of Kamrpur Madhyapara Mosque

The public spraying of trees in the public.

Grants to different organizations

Grants to the establishment of various educational and religious institutes.


Transfer of immovable property to 1% of the money

Purnapara Mosque Reform

Hati West Para Mosque Reform

1. Free-machine supply to farmers free of cost.

The game supplies dust products.

Ward no. 1 in the poor families of different villages, set free cylinder tube well.


ADP of Regional Development Program

 The game supplies dust products.

Kamarpur Itkelpara Road Pollassing.

1. For the cessation of water on different roads and CC ringpipe supplies.

 Kamarpur Model High School Room Reform

High low bench supply in different educational institutions.


Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh

No. 1 Brahmpur Union Parishad

Natore Sadar, Natore

1st year implementation of Brahampur Union Parishad

According to the ward no

Ward no

Scheme sector

Name of the preferred scheme based on priority

First year


Second year


Third year


Fourth year


Fifth year




Ward no ward is free of crippled tube wells in the poor families of different villages.

1. Harking the road from Sarakatia Abdul Haat to Rahman Majhi's house.

1. Chak-Sarakutia Primary B Laptop Computer Components.

2. Hoh Bibi road from Sohagi Bazar to Afsar's house.

Ward no ward is free of crippled tube wells in the poor families of different villages.

2. Submarsebul tube supply to supply water to the institute.

Supply of dust material to various organizations.


Rural Infrastructure Reform Program Kabikha / Kabita

Road reform from Sowagudi market to Amjad's house.

Road reforms from Sarakuttia Samally to the slums in the slums.

Road reform from Sarakuttia Abdul Haat to Badan Khali.

Road reform from Sarakuttia Chora slums to Andapara.

Road reform from Sarakuttiye Rakhal Gash to the house of Syed.


Rural Infrastructure Conservation Program TR

1. Sarkutia Sardarpara Jami Mosque Development

2. Development of Chak-Sarakutiya Mosque

Sarakuttia Shinpara Jami Mosque Development

Road reform from Sarakuttia Fazal Khan's house to a paved road.

 Road reform from Sarakuttia Syed's house to Munjur's house.

1. Sarakuttia's old pond bot is a barrier to the pond.

2. The trunk of the bot tree in Sohagi Bazar


Transfer of immovable property to 1% of the money

Sarakuttia Madrasah Furniture stores.

Free-machine supply to farmers free of cost.

Wrestling / Sports equipment supply in the club.

Computer supply at Sarakuttia Dakhil Madrasa.

Furniture and furniture at the institution.


ADP of Regional Development Program

1. Harking the road from Sarakpatiya Sardarpara Shamsul's house to Abdul Hawati.

2. Pulseiting of the Nalpukur road crossing.

Harking the road from Sarakpatiya Sardarpara road to Chak-Sarakuttia Primary School.

 Perform HB from Syed's house to Munjur's house.

Road parceling involving Sarakuttia Southpara car park

Hmmm to HB from Samluri Bari

Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh

No. 1 Brahmpur Union Parishad

Natore Sadar, Natore

1st year implementation of Brahampur Union Parishad

According to the ward no 3, the list of eligible schemes to be implemented
