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Brahmpur Union Parishad No. 1 at a glance.

At a glance No. 1 Brahmapur Union Parishad

Police Station: Naldanga

Upazila: Naldanga, District: Natore.

1. The total area of the union is 27.20 sq km.

2. Total villages: 17

3. Total 9 wards.

4. Total number of restaurants: 6125

5. Number of Mauzas: 17.

6. Population: 27216 people.

7. Total Voters: 16502.

8. No. of High Schools: 05.

9. Number of Government Primary Schools: 11

10. Family Welfare Center 1

11. The total number of submitted Madrasahs is 02.

12. Total Number of Hafiziya Madrasas: 2

13. Total number of mosques: 54.

14. Number of Temples: 5

15. Number of crematoriums: 02.

16. Post Offices Total: 03.

17. Total Number of Huts: 01.

18. No. of Community Clinics: 04 T.

19. River (Barnai River): 07 km.

20. Number of ponds: 335.

21. Mankhya of manual tube cup: 1997 t.

22. Number of dighis: 3.

23. No. of deep tubewell dips: 12

24 Bridge culverts: 30 t.

25. Canal: 03 T.

26. Amount of cultivated land: 2580 hectares.

27. Extent of uncultivated land: 229 hectares.

28. Net crop area: 2580 hectares.

29. Amount of land under one crop: 700 hectares.

30. Area of Two Crops: 2160 Hectares.

31. Area of Three Crops: 2400 Hectares.

32. Crop Concentration: 203%

33. Land Use Density: 49%

34. Education Rate: 41.71%

35. Number of Markets: 11

36. VWB Card Holders: 253 people.

37. VGF Card Holders (Continued): 1205 people.

38. Old age allowance beneficiaries: 868 persons.

39. Widow and husband Pari: Allowance: 420 persons.

40. Number of inmates per Bandhi: 245.

41. Pregnant women allowance: 166 persons.

42. RMP Women Workers: 10

43. Hygienic Latrines: 99%

44. Central Cemetery: 13.

45. 17 Eidgah fields.