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মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
Main Comtent Skiped

Emargancy Contract

Emergency communication of Brahampur Union Council No. 1 in Naldanga upazila of Natore District:

Dr: Sanjida Khatun

Family Welfare Center, Brahmpur

Mobile No. 01779-334764

All issues of women solve problems

Venue: Brahmpur Health Center adjacent to the Brahmpur Union at No. 1 is located.


The services that the service provider reserves the right to receive

1. In the health center, the necessary health care is provided to all the men and women, elderly and young people coming to the sub-center.

2. ORS is provided for diarrhea patients.

3. Required remedies, including antenatal checkups, are provided by the maternity patients coming to the hospital and iron

The tablet is supplied.

4. Under the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Program, tuberculosis patients are collected for cough test

And free medicines were provided to TB and leprosy patients.

5. Immunotherapy vaccines are provided under the EPI program for children and women.

6. Health, nutrition and reproductive health education are provided to patients coming to the sub-health center.

7. Reproductive Health and Family Planning among Adolescents and Abroad Couples Who Come to the Health Center

The activities are conducted.

8. If needed, the patient was referred to Upazila Hospital.

9. The incoming patients and their relatives are concerned about the necessary advice and advice on health care

You can easily contact the physicians.

10. At the sub-health center, the number of required notice boards are located in places where everyone can see.

Notice Board has necessary information on it.

11. Medicines are provided free of cost from supply centers. But no need for medical treatment

There may be a medical center to get the services out.

12. List of stocks of medicines on the board, list of services provided, service providers list

Have dragged.